Monday, February 1, 2010

one notch higher on the maturity scale

Today at Sciences Po the smaller conférence style courses began their semester -- yayyyy learning! - but in between "Musique et Politique" and "Dessin" (an art class I was able to get into! !!) , I swung over to Pigalle to visit Musée de l'érotisme, the erotic museum of Paris.

In one word, "Whoa." First of all, the walk from the metro to the museum is bordered by sex shops and older women propositioning men to enter "Pussy's Lap Dance" -- semi-uncomfortable. When I entered the museum I was greeted by the familiar tracks of Madonna's 2000 album Music, which made me feel safe again. The 7-floor tour that followed was well, interesting. The museum offers much erotica - from ancient figurines to contemporary figurines, to odd painful-looking furniture, to photographs, to decorated dishes, to old porn, to art expos: if you can imagine it, it's probably there.

I realized that I am a bit of an immature little child when it comes to these things, and although it was educational and quite captivating [except for Antoine Bernhart's mega nasty expo that coupled too much blood with too much privates], I think this musée is one that I'll just reserve one visit for.

I do feel a little older though - I'm now one notch higher on the maturity scale --- just 17,342 more notches to go.

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