Monday, February 22, 2010

do cool people trip?

Tripping sucks, I often look back at the object that caused the stumble (often just my other foot shh) and give it a big 'eff yu'.  Is there such a thing as a classy trip?  Can your trip have swagger?  I took this investigation as no joke.  First I elicited the help of Yahoo! Answers and got the following responses:

"No, cool people have impeccable balance. And once they do fall down, they are deemed no longer cool."

"yup, but most of the time they are too confident to be embarrassed so less people would notice"

"Yes, but they pick themselves up quickly, hoping not to be seen, in most cases."

"Well it happened to me yesterday, so yes."

and my personal fave:
"Yea man, they show do - but
only the hot ones have sense enough to get up."
...because ugly people just chill on the ground

I also have a connection to this super rapide cool cellphone-text answering enterprise (thanks Patrikko !! ) and their exclamation was:

"homer simpson might say: No! No-no-no-no-no-no!  Well, ok, YES!"

I do not really feel like I have gotten to any conclusions.  If a revelation comes, updates will follow.

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