Thursday, February 18, 2010


I love rearranging my room, but I can't really do that here - the blog was a perfect substitute.  So super duper refreshing is the feeling I get when I look at a newly organized web page.  hallelujah

Today has been rather refreshing all together - even on the academic front.  My second prof for my "Cultural Triangulations between Africa, Eruope, and North America" course finally arrived today, Mike Ladd.  He was absent the first two weeks of class because he was on tour in New York.  That's right, my prof is famous... and not in the i-am-an-important-uppity-diplomat way that most professors are at Sciences Po, but in the cool-spoken-word-performer kind of way.

He is a lefty(! - not sure why i like this, but i do) and today he taught us about "Negrophilia," the term used to describe the interesting fascination European's had with black culture in the 1920s.  After class, I ran to a computer to listen to his stuff, I'm impressed.  He's collaborated with lots of other artists - pianist and composer Vijay Iyer, the german electronica group Terranova, english rapper Juice Aleem - and has a genre that's hard to pin down.  Apparently he was a drummer in a punk band in the 80s.

I can't believe he's my teacher.  queered (cool + weird)

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