I love rearranging my room, but I can't really do that here - the blog was a perfect substitute. So super duper refreshing is the feeling I get when I look at a newly organized web page. hallelujah

He is a lefty(! - not sure why i like this, but i do) and today he taught us about "Negrophilia," the term used to describe the interesting fascination European's had with black culture in the 1920s. After class, I ran to a computer to listen to his stuff, I'm impressed. He's collaborated with lots of other artists - pianist and composer Vijay Iyer, the german electronica group Terranova, english rapper Juice Aleem - and has a genre that's hard to pin down. Apparently he was a drummer in a punk band in the 80s.
I can't believe he's my teacher. queered (cool + weird)
im so proud. blog layout = stylish amazing